Welcome to the 13th edition of Civil Service Quarterly (CSQ).
The theme of this edition is data in government and the opportunities - and challenges - it presents for creating smarter policy and transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.
We feature three articles from senior Civil Service figures:
- Public services and the new age of data - John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary
- Growing a government data science community - Paul Maltby, former Director of Government Data in the Government Digital Service (GDS), and Sue Bateman, Deputy Director, Better Use of Data, Cabinet Office
- Better statistics, better decisions - John Pullinger, UK National Statistician, Head of the Government Statistical Service (GSS) and Chief Executive of the UK Statistics Authority
Four articles describe how different departments and teams are applying data to provide better public services or releasing it for productive use outside government:
- Using data and design to support people to stay in work - Catherine Drew, former Senior Policy Designer, Policy Lab, Cabinet Office
- Healthy information sharing - Imogen Fuller, Engagement Manager, Centre of Excellence for Information Sharing
- Open data for better outcomes - John Seglias, Chief Technology Officer, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
- Data analytics for more efficient services and better lives - Andrew Goodman, Programme Director, Home Office Digital, Data & Technology Capabilities and Resources
A data scientist at the French Government equivalent of GDS contributes the first in what we hope will be a series of articles showcasing case studies of innovation and excellence in overseas civil services:
- Building an open solar power map - Michel Blancard, Data Scientist, Etalab, French Government
Moving away from the data theme for a moment, we focus on the UK’s leading role in tackling a critical issue for global health:
- Building an international coalition to combat antimicrobial resistance - Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, Nicole Redhead, Global Health Policy Manager, International AMR, and Tracy Parker, UK AMR Strategy Programme Coordinator
We have also spoken to two data specialists about their experience of being a data scientist in government in:
- Data in the life of... - Charlie Boundy, Head of Data Science, Department for Work & Pensions; and Aimee Murphy, Data Scientist, Home Office
Finally, we feature a personal view of the arguments for opening up to wider scrutiny the data and analysis behind government decision-making:
- Transparency and evidence – show your workings - Dr David Halpern, Chief Executive, Behavioural Insights Team
I hope you enjoy this issue. You can give us your views and comments on the Civil Service Quarterly blog (https://quarterly.blog.gov.uk/), by email (csq@cabinetoffice.gov.uk), or via #CSQuarterly on Twitter. If you would like to submit an idea for a feature in a future edition, please get in touch.
We will be publishing blog posts using content from the latest edition of Civil Service Quarterly (CSQ 13) over the coming weeks. If you would like the full publication, you can download it here as a PDF.
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