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The public face of the Civil Service: Creating a professional operational delivery workforce

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...create 3 million new apprenticeships across the country. In response, the ODP team has created its own apprenticeship scheme to help future proof the Civil Service’s front-line skills. Nearly 500...

The Spending Review in 1,000 words

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Graphic of a hand holding a tablet showing a graph going up

The Chancellor announced the outcome of the Spending Review on 25 November, following months of work by officials and ministers across government. It marks the next phase in the Government’s plans for this Parliament, building on its manifesto commitments. It will be rounded off with the publication of departments’ business plans (Single Departmental Plans) in January.

Improving public sector efficiency to deliver a smarter state

Graphic showing a number of white piggy banks in th shape of pigs, with a larger blue piggy bank behind them all

Stephen Aldridge, Director for Analysis and Data, Angus Hawkins, Assistant Economist, and Cody Xuereb, Economic Adviser, from the Department for Communities and Local Government, write about the Public Sector Efficiency Group’s focus on improving the understanding of public sector efficiency across departments, looking at the trends in and drivers of efficiency and evidence of the scope for improving desired outcomes further.

Horizon scanning: helping policy makers in an uncertain world

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Graphic showing a sunrise over an artificial horizon made up of hexagonal data

It isn’t easy to predict what we’re going to be doing in the future. In this article, Richard Sandford from the Government Office for Science sets out the core principles of Horizon Scanning and the techniques civil servants can use to make the future a less uncertain place.

No More Head of Household: Lessons from the Electoral Registration Transformation Programme

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Graphic of a hand putting a voting slip into a ballot box

Colin Dingwall, the former Director of the Electoral Registration Transformation Programme, describes the key lessons he and his colleagues learnt delivering this fundamental change to the UK’s Electoral Registration System and what their experience means for other large scale public sector projects.

Professional value-added volunteering

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Photo of lots of people's hands being held up in the air, volunteering for stuff

Every civil servant now gets five days of special leave a year to volunteer. In this article, Andrea Lee, Deputy Director of Strategy at the Department of Health, shows how government economists and analysts are using their professional skills to volunteer in an impactful way – helping third sector and public sector organisations in need of their particular expertise and experience.