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Analysis and factual trends

Horizon scanning: helping policy makers in an uncertain world

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Graphic showing a sunrise over an artificial horizon made up of hexagonal data

It isn’t easy to predict what we’re going to be doing in the future. In this article, Richard Sandford from the Government Office for Science sets out the core principles of Horizon Scanning and the techniques civil servants can use to make the future a less uncertain place.

Understanding costs to unlock opportunities

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Photo of a graph showing decreasing values over the top of a tablet

How do we build a ‘smarter state’, alongside delivering £20 billion worth of consolidation measures? David Allen, Director of Public Spending at HM Treasury and Deputy Head of the Finance Function, and Johannes Wolff, Deputy Director, explain how HM Government Finance is helping the Civil Service rise to the challenge, developing a new way to break down departmental silos, unlock opportunities and put financial management at the heart of decision making.

The Productivity Plan: a route map to a more prosperous nation

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The Prime Minister and Chancellor speaking to staff at the Hanson Brickworks

If Britain was to match US levels of productivity, our GDP would be boosted by 31% - equivalent to £21,000 a year for every household in the country. Susan Acland-Hood, Director of the Enterprise & Growth Unit, HM Treasury explains why productivity matters and how the government plans to raise productivity and thus boost our economy by ‘Fixing the Foundations’.

How good are we?

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The Civil Service is committed to developing transparent and accountable indicators

In the Civil Service we are constantly trying to improve our performance and the services that we offer to the public. We often use data or research to help measure and improve our own team's or our Department’s performance, but how would we go about measuring the performance of the Civil Service as a whole? The Analysis & Insight team in the Cabinet Office have been exploring this question.

Predictive analytics: the science of non-compliance

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Data science is an emerging discipline which combines analysis, programming and business knowledge and uses new and advanced techniques and technologies to work with complex data. Jonathan Athow, John Lord and Claire Potter, from Knowledge Analysis and Intelligence at HMRC, explain how HMRC are making better use of data to tackle non-compliance.

Stop Thief! How data can help prevent mobile phone theft

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Crime in general has fallen, but thieves are still targeting mobile phones. The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) has
developed a risk index to keep consumers informed and even prevent crimes before they happen. Simon Ruda, Ed Bradon and David Halpern from BIT show us how they did it.