Spotlight: Developing the leaders of tomorrow

How is government nurturing the leaders of the future? We hear from participants in the Government Digital Service Academy and the UK Statistics Authority’s High Potential Programme.
How is government nurturing the leaders of the future? We hear from participants in the Government Digital Service Academy and the UK Statistics Authority’s High Potential Programme.
Read about the creation of the Geospatial Commission, the new body to help exploit the huge potential of data about location and place to fuel new businesses and better public services.
Read about the ongoing development of data science capability in government.
John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, describes how government is changing to exploit the vast potential of data for making better policy and better services.
Colin Dingwall, the former Director of the Electoral Registration Transformation Programme, describes the key lessons he and his colleagues learnt delivering this fundamental change to the UK’s Electoral Registration System and what their experience means for other large scale public sector projects.
In April the Government Digital Service’s flagship project, GOV.UK, collected the Design Museum’s Design of the Year Award. Civil Service Quarterly asked Ben Terrett, the Head of Design behind GOV.UK, what the award means, how the UK’s design heritage has …
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